Can't wait to hear these voicemails j_the_ripper. Now barry will do damage control and try to make light of it, when in reality he was probably being desparate like he usually is in his personal life.
Barry always acts like a badass on his show, but then tries to cut secret deals with gurus and pua's to make money. He always has and always will, because he doesn't know how to make money.
That's why he advertised pua products on his site and tried to run his own pua company. That's why he tried to sell people a fashion consult.
Barry fails at everything he does, because that is the nature of bipolar people. The name of the show should be changed to "The Bipolar Radio Show", because it is just the same old repeated ramblings of someone with bipolar disorder. Every day the show is just recycled shit from shows he has already done. Hardly anyone has bought his on-demand program because it is a piece of shit. Nobody wants to listen to 2 years of the same fucking show every day.
Barry makes bad decisions in life. Bad business decisions, bad decisions on who to date, bad decisions on who to partner with and kiss ass to. This pattern will not change. It's classic bipolar behaviour.
The person I feel the worst for is his loser jewish girlfriend. Barry can't pickup any girls his own age because they think he is creepy, so he has to stoop to dating a girl 10 years younger than him, because she's too young to know any better. Barry will eventually try to marry her and lock her in to being with him before she gets older and raises her standards for men, and realizes how much of a tool he is.
Barry operates in scarcity mentality in his personal life, and always tries to lock in people before they realize it's too late (and they have bought a bag of shit).
Gunwitch is a fraud. Nobody has ever actually seen him pickup girls. That's why he never goes out and does it live in front of other guys, because he can't do it. He just makes products claiming that he can, but doesn't have the balls to prove it. You will never actually see Gunwitch take home a hot girl. He's like the Wizard of Oz. He hides behind a curtain telling guys how to pickup girls when he can't do it himself. No wonder he hides at home in seclusion, and doesn't meetup with guys in the field to teach to show them live.